High Angle Rescue Team


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Reaching new heights
The Onondaga Hill Fire Dept. High Angle Rescue Team is a division of the Rescue Company and
is comprised of 10 firefighters that have undergone advanced training to perform rescues involving the use of ropes, rigging and specialized hardware.The members of the team hold a drill at least once a month.

In 1999, the team responded to a person trapped in a storm damaged tree. The combination of a raising / lowering system and intricate rigging was used to extricate the woman pinned, in the upper branches, against the trunk of a tree by a large broken limb.

In 2001, the call went out for a man in a creek bed. A 17 year old male jumped over a guardrail unaware of a creek running 12 feet underneath the road. A low angle litter operation was used to retrieve the male who somehow recieved only minor injuries.

Rescue Pumper 2 lights up the scene as rescuers begin packaging the patient in a stokes basket.

After paramedics determine the extent of injuries, team members work to stabilize the patient with a back board, cervical collar and head blocks, and secure him in the basket with webbing.

Once secured in the stokes basket, the patient is prepared for the trip up to the yard bordering the creek, with the assistance of two rescuers / litter tenders.

The "load" was pulled to the surface using a 4 to 1 haul system with the help of three firefighters and one newly promoted Onondaga County Sheriff's Department Sergeant. This is just another testiment to the fine working relationship in our area between agencies.


All photo's on this page taken by Rural Metro